Now we release our third video from the new record!
The song is called Mikaeli and is based on two Mikaeli songs and a love song, recorded by Roger Bergsten at Nevo Studios.
Together with Ulrika Bodén, we have now played in 13 songs, a total of 53 minutes, new and old music and are very happy to be able to present our collaboration on record. Record release with concert at Umefolk 22 February.
Come listen, buy the record, talk to us and celebrate the release!
Release soon
Book the album release at Umefolk, concert and opportunity to buy the new album, 22 February.
Or come to the Sundsvall release, at Jazzklubben Sundsvall on February 24.
We will update the tour plan and more information will come soon about where the record can be ordered. Welcome!

Autumn 2024
Then it was autumn again and I’m looking forward to these concerts, welcome!
Sept. 6-8 Carr & Roswall, distance course and concert, Härnösands fhsk.
28 Sep Roswall, Bodén and Ek with choir, Nätra church, Bjästa
4 Oct Roswall and Bodén, Mittuniversitetets akademiska högtid.
5 Oct AER course, concert and dance, Folkungagillet, Linköping
16 Oct Carr & Roswall, Club Frifolk, Sundsvall
18 Oct Education day folk music for cultural school teachers, Sundsvall
19 Oct AER with Ulrika Bodén, Norrköping folk music festival
6 Nov AER with Ulrika Bodén, GA church, Sundsvall
8 Nov AER with Ulrika Bodén, Folkmusiknatta, Falun
23 Nov Carr & Roswall, Pitefolk
1 Dec Niklas Roswall et al, Världens jul, GA church, Sundsvall
1 Dec Niklas Roswall et al, Världens jul, Njurunda church
4 Dec AER with Ulrika Bodén, 2 concerts, Art Lab Sundsvall
6 Dec Carr & Roswall, Dala-Floda Värdshus

Game On released digitally
Now Marine & Roswall‘s new record is released everywhere and it is both possible to listen digitally and buy a physical copy.

Game on is released!
Now Marine & Roswall have released the album Game on!
The release itself took place at the Ransäterstämman on June 8. You can buy the album from us at the summer concerts and soon also on Mia’s website. If you are in a hurry, you can send me a message right now and I will arrange a CD, Digital release in a few weeks but feel free to buy a physical copy as well. Game on!

New video!
Here is the first taste of our upcoming album together with Ulrika Bodén.
“Men det värsta hände mig” (But the worst thing happened to me) after Eva Hedberg, Bredsele, Dorotea parish. The instrumental parts are a hearding song found by Rudolf Halvarsson, Torp.
Recorded by Roger Bergsten, Nevo Studios, Sundsvall.
So it was a new year again!
I have already recorded a CD with Mia Marine, it will be released in the summer. And AER continues the collaboration with Ulrika Bodén. We’re in the middle of rehearsing but we’ve already made some videos of the new tunes coming out soon. As usual, I also work as a course leader and teacher at the folk music courses at Kapells in Härnösand and teach at the Eric Sahlström Institute in Tobo.
24 Feb Students and teachers folk music line Kapellsberg, Umefolk
29 February – 2 March Open house at Kapells, Härnösand
08 March AER with Ulrika Bodén, Sofiehof Underjord, Jönköping
09 March AER with Ulrika Bodén, Malmö Folk
March 23 Marine & Roswall Umeå folkmusikförening
April 13 Niklas Roswall, Ulrika Bodén and Daniel Ek, Säbrå church
02 – 06 May AER with Ulrika Bodén, Shetland Folk Festival
15 May Ralsgård & Tullberg Quartet, Raulandsakademiet
30 May Niklas Roswall with Bodén, Ek and Månsson, Multrå church
31 May Kapell’s closing concert, Härnösand
01 June Niklas Roswall and Ulrika Bodén, Galtström
06 June – 09 June AER with Ulrika Bodén, Ransäter meeting

Summer 2023
After a wonderful end to May with concerts in Piteå and Haparanda, it is now finally time for summer again. Here I will play, hope to see you somewhere!
2 June Exam concert, students and teachers Kapells folk music, Härnösand
9 juni ESI dance gig Ransätersstämman
10 June Carr & Roswall Ransätersstämman
10 June students and teachers Kapells folk music, Ransätersstämman
1 July Course in arrangement, Delsbostämman
July 2 Carr & Roswall, Delsbostämman
22 July Carr & Roswall Hammars church, Askersund
27 July Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall Vivstavarvs chapel, Sundsvall
9 Aug AER with Ulrika Bodén, Sundsvall Chamber Music Festival
Aug 12 Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall LaFolk festival, Kristinestad, Finland
13 aug Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall, Konstbyns kafé, Nordingrå
17 Aug Ranarim Ballad Festival at Borghamn Strand, Vadstena
13 aug Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall, Konstbyns kafé, Nordingrå

Spring 2023
Here are the spring concerts and courses, the list will be updated.
28 jan Workshop arranging folk music, Eric Sahlström Institutet, Tobo.
28 jan Dance evening, Eric Sahlström Institutet, Tobo.
9 febr Ralsgård & Tullberg quartet, V-dala Nation,Uppsala.
11 febr Ralsgård & Tullberg quartet, Stallet, Stockholm.
18 febr Prova på och återträff, Eric Sahlstrm Institutet, Tobo.
25 febr Folkistorg, folkisjam and concert with Kapellsfolk, Umefolk.
16-18 mars Prova på och återträff Kapells, Härnösands folkhögskola.
25 mars Niklas Roswall, Ulrika Bodén, Daniel Ek and Göran Månsson, GA-kyrkan, Sundsvall.
22 april Workshop arranging folk music, Eric Sahlström Institutet, Tobo.
28 – 30 april Distanskurs Kapells with Sofia Sandén, Härnösands folkhögskola.
29 april Sångsystrar with Niklas Roswall and Patrik Grundström, Härnösands folkhögskola.
8 May Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall with Ulrika Bodén, Härnösand.
11 May Niklas Roswall, Ulrika Bodén, Daniel Ek and Göran Månsson, Multrå Church
26 maj Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall, Framnäs fhsk
27 maj Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall, Kukkolaforsen, Haparanda.
2 juni Concert with students and teachers folkmusiklinjen Kapellsberg, Härnösands folkhögskola.
Autumn 2022
Then it starts rolling again after a lovely summer with both concerts and time off.
In Härnösand, we have just started the folk music line at Kapells for the fifth year, it feels incredibly fun!
I will supplement with concerts as I go, but at the moment these are nailed down:
10 of Sept Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall Umeå folkmusikförening.
16 of Sept Carr & Roswall Ludvika.
24 of Sept Niklas Roswall m fl Dansa min älskling av Yamandú Pontvik, Sundsvalls teater, 16:00.
24 of Sept Niklas Roswall m fl Dansa min älskling av Yamandú Pontvik, Sundsvalls teater, 19:00.
1 of Oct Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall Stallet, Sthlm.
2 of Oct Marine & Roswall, Førde, Norway.
3 of Oct Marine & Roswall Columbi Egg, Bergen, Norway.
5 of Oct Marine & Roswall Raulandsakademiet, Norway.
7 of Oct Bodén,Ek & Roswall, Akademisk högtid, Sundsvall.
8 of Oct Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall Norrköpings folkmusikfestival
11-12 of Nov workshop with Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall Lafo Folkmusikcenter, Finland
12 of Nov Ahlberg, Ek & Roswall Lafo Folkmusikcenter, Finland